The All Ceylon Bakery Owners Association (ACBOA) is the voice of the baking industry composed of baking professionals from various fields of baking here in Sri Lanka.

Since 1993 ACBOA laid its helping hands in guiding its members towards a successful journey, while representing the interests of the bakers before the Sri Lankan government, all the government agencies and international regulatory authorities.

Our Vision

To guide the Sri Lankan Baking industry to regional preeminence as an export led industry that is recognized for quality and innovation.

Our Smart Approach

Achievement of our vision requires a three-pronged approach,

  • Developing networks in and out of the industry that will enable us to have an impute in to policy decision that will affect the industry.
  • Enhancement of the knowledge and technology related to baking.
  • Ensuring that the bakery owners speak within one voice in all matters related to their interests.

Our Achievements

We have made sure that our voice is heard by the decision makers. For instance,

  • We were able to convince the government to reduce the taxes charged on imports of wheat grain at the intern budget proposal under the 100 day programme of the new government.
  • We also obtained import duty consessions on several key raw materials if such materials are imported directly by the bulur concerened.
  • We were also able to get bakeries classified under the industrial category ,thereby reducing charges due on electricity consumed.

The ties we have established with other parties have enabled us to obtain assistance to develop the technology utilized in the industry. This is quite apart from the knowledge enhancement gained.